RealTime Bidding

RealTime Bidding is the new buzzword in online marketing and AdSpirit is one of the first German ad server providers to be right at the forefront!

What is RealTime Bidding?

RealTime Bidding is the auctioning of advertisements in real time. For this purpose, the auctioning AdServer asks the customer ad servers for each individual insertion and collects bids.

  • optimal utilization of the displays
  • the best price is always obtained
  • Live exchange of booking information
  • "Cherry-Picking" possible (only the fade-ins you really want)
  • Cooperation with various platforms possible
  • Easy integration into existing processes as a normal campaign
  • Frequency capping, targeting and optimization can be used directly
  • AdSpirit can be used for all RTB uses:
    • Demand-Side-Plattform (DSP)
    • Sell-Side-Plattform (SSP)
    • Trading-Desk / Agency platform
    • Marketplace / Ad Marketplace
    • Yield optimization
    • and many more
AdSpirit’s Private RTB Platform

As an independent technology service provider, AdSpirit gives you direct access to SSPs, DSPs, and AdExchanges. The connection to the partner is exclusively between you and the partner - without detour via third parties and without AdSpirit itself or others of our clients being involved. In contrast to other providers who "bring along" their own DSP/SSP, this offers considerable advantages:

DSP with AdServer function

You only have control over your campaigns. You cannot influence where the traffic comes from and who controls it. Website relationships belong to the DSP and not to you.


DSP charge extra fees on every bid. It is also not transparent whether your bids are really passed on in full or whether a hidden margin is added.


DSP only provides you with fragments of information (often only top 100 pages, no deeper details from the supply side).


DSP often use data for all customers. Results from your bidding behaviour may help other DSP customers.

Suits whom?

Small advertisers with low monthly advertising budgets and low demands on information and control.

RTB Platform

Full control over inventories, customers, bidding strategies etc. You alone decide what happens. Advertiser and publisher relationships are your "property".


You draw the full margin from your bids, whether in purchasing or sales.


You receive a complete and unfiltered picture of supply and demand.


All generated and integrated data is exclusively yours and is not available to third parties.

Suits whom?

Advertiser with a medium to large monthly advertising budget. Publishers with medium to large monthly traffic volume.

SSP with AdServer function

You only have control over your websites. Which advertisers bid how and how much on your traffic is often unclear. Advertisers are "property" of the SSP.


SSP charge extra fees on each bid (or bid is already reduced by the fee). It is also not transparent whether you really get the full bid price or a hidden margin is deducted.


SSP will only send you fragments of information from the demand side.


SSP often use data for all customers. Results from your traffic may help other SSP customers.

Suits whom?

Small publishers with low monthly traffic volume.

Headerbidding inclusive

Whoever has AdSpirit can do without headerbidding - AdSpirit can directly integrate all common DSP and AdExchanges, making headerbidding superfluous. If you still want it, AdSpirit of course also supports the problem-free integration of headerbidding.

AdSpirit Marketplace

AdSpirit hat mit dem neu geschaffenen AdSpirit Marketplace eine neue Stelle geschaffen an der AdSpirit Kunden mit anderen AdSpirit Kunden und Drittanbietern einfach und komfortabel in Kontakt treten können. Damit können neue Partnerschaften hergestellt werden und letztlich für alle Beteiligten neue Geschäfte und mehr Umsatz entstehen.

What is the AdSpirit Marketplace?

AdSpirit supports various protocols that enable a connection to the most important online trading marketplaces in real time. In addition, AdSpirit customers can trade directly with each other in the simplest way possible. Among other things, a connection to the following marketplaces is currently possible:

  • AppNexus
  • OpenX Ad Exchange
  • Rubicon Project
  • PubMatic
  • DoubleClick Ad Exchange
  • Smaato
  • Yieldlab
  • Epom
  • Improve Digital

AdSpirit has clients from a wide variety of sectors such as marketers/networks, publishers/publishers, advertisers, agencies. Each client has different requirements and different goals. For this reason, the AdSpirit Marketplace offers a place where all these needs of different clients can be combined. Regardless of whether you ...

  • … are interested in buying or selling …
  • … search for impressions, clicks or leads/sales …
  • … want to bill CPM, CPC or via CPX …

… the AdSpirit Marketplace offers the opportunity for every type to introduce themselves or find suitable offers.

RTB brings customers closer together

For all clients who want to work together even more closely and flexibly, the AdSpirit Marketplace also offers the option of connecting directly via RTB. This enables much more targeted and individual campaigns to be booked and environments to be assigned. The traffic appears transparent in both systems and can be addressed precisely with targetings, frequency capping, etc.

Carsten Dietz

+49 (0)30 5770442 - 20
+49 (0)30 5770442 - 50

Björn Junge
Director Sales

+49 (0)30 5770442 - 31
+49 (0)30 5770442 - 50